Because Birthdays Are Important

From the time I was a small child, I remember receiving a birthday card from a gentleman named Grant Ford. He was a man who sent birthday cards to everyone in our church—young and old and inbetween--every single year.  I was confused when the cards stopped coming, because even though he had died, I assumed he could still send them from heaven, which was where every good card-sender goes. (Nope. Not true. I’m sure he’s in heaven, but for other reasons.)

These days cards have been replaced by first phone calls and more recently, texts. There is nothing wrong with those, in fact, I often depend on the phone too, particularly when my schedule has gotten away from me, or a birthday pops up that I wasn’t aware of. (And lately that has been EVERY birthday. I apologize now for probably missing your birthday, too.)

And I imagine most people who receive my birthday text wishes will most likely not remember them, even when I use the cute bitmojis with the giraffe and pink cake.

But a card. Now that's something different.  It’s not even the card itself. It’s the everything else you get when you receive a card.

Someone thought of you enough to find a stamp, find your address (never an easy feat when real address books are a thing of the past), and find their way to a mailbox.

How lovely. And really, what a great present.

While I will never achieve the status of Grant Ford, I will work harder at sending cards to those I love.

And, in honor of my new website getting off the ground and because I’m really hoping some of you may be inspired to send some cards yourself, I will be selling packs of 10 birthday cards (5 designs, 2 of each) for $20—through this weekend. That’s a 50 percent discount.

So what are you waiting for? We have lots of birthdays and beautiful people to celebrate.

Happy times, everyone!


  • Happy Birthday, Carolyn! Hope you have a great day and would love to see you when you are in town.

    the creative farm girl
  • Hi Amy,
    I’m 100% a fan & advocate of the real birthday card!
    And thank you notes by the way- my kids have been “trained”… when I’m in CA a few weeks from now and stop to see Camille, I’d like to purchase this package in person, and say hello!
    And btw, today is my birthday 🎁

    Carolyn Marshall

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