Between Beach Balls and Pumpkins

There’s that strange in-between time from summer to fall, when the beach balls haven’t quite turned to pumpkins, and the flip-flops are on the verge of being traded in for something sturdier.

 Most always my cartoons are based in real life. This one isn't. (Except the boots part.)

It’s that time when we all need to take a little breather and enjoy the warmth that still fills our days, even though we may dream of wearing cozy sweaters and cute boots (at least I do).

I can already feel the crispy cool evenings, and imagine the color of oranges and wheat and golden browns throughout my house, and the oh-so-lovely smells of spice and pumpkin bread and roasted winter vegetables.

But before I can pull out all my boxes of favorite items of autumn, I need to pack away my summer. And for me, that means taking some time to reflect on what I accomplished or, in some cases, didn't. (Ok, I never did finish that one closet that needed a thorough cleaning.  And while "starting" many things is positive, "starting" to clean a closet is not one of them.)

For today, I need to find a quiet corner in my world, because my tendency is pick up a piece of old wood laying in that corner and make something cute from it. Like I did with this sign. I don't do "quiet corners" very well.

 This is a great reminder for me to take moments in my day to sit and ponder . . . even if it is in between dashing to meetings and building a business and keeping a home and figuring out how to juggle weekend activities.

And these days of in-between seasons are a perfect time to find your own quiet corner. Think about the summer and dream about the fall. Because really, we all must rest up for the most magical season of all coming to a porch and a patch and a Trader Joe's near you  . . . it's almost Pumpkin Time, baby.



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