When the Indoor Plant Moves On (Part 2)
Last week I told you about a beautiful little olive plant that I kept alive for a year. Yes, that is a huge accomplishment for me, until I recently realized that this little guy had not grown for about six months.
It’s alive, but stagnant. Sound familiar?
If you have found yourself in a season of not-growing, consider these signs:
- You hang out with only people who think and say the very same things that you think and say.
- You aren’t learning anything NEW.
- And you are okay with either of the above.
If you are ready to pull yourself out of this season—and most of us go through times like this at some point—here are thoughts on how you can re-pot yourself to get not only growing, but thriving.
Explore your belief system.
When was the last time you questioned your motives politically, emotionally, or spiritually? Do you believe what you do, because you are constantly seeking? Or did you land on what you believe several years ago and have been cruising since then?
When plants need to be replanted, their roots are often balled up and tangled. In order to start growing again, the roots of the plant need to be loosened and some of the old dirt shaken off. Hmm. Sounds like a people thing too.
Action tip: Read a book that differs in your own belief system. The point is not to create a whole new set of beliefs, but rather to remember WHY you believe what you do.
Mix up your routine.
If the idea of trying a different work out, or eating a different breakfast, or meeting a new person, makes you want to head straight to bed until autumn, you may benefit from changing up your day-to-day schedule.
I do love routines, and they help me stay motivated and productive. However, if we are manipulated by what “we have always done” with no room for flexibility, you may be keeping yourself from growing.
Even when a plant is repotted, it’s important to add new soil to give the plant fresh nutrients it has been missing out on.
Action tip: As you go through your day, pay attention to details of what you are doing. This alone may spur on some new ideas for you to experiment with. If you spend much of your day alone, find a new person to meet (he or she may be as close as next door). On the other hand, if your days are filled with people and appointments, make a point to squeeze in one more meeting—with yourself.
Give yourself much compassion and grace, and all the while, be patient.
When a plant is first repotted, it needs a little extra water and nutrients—same with people. While we all need at least a little change in order to grow, some of us do everything we can to avoid it. If you are one of those folks, be gentle with yourself. Take your time.
I know my little olive plant that has now been repotted is not going to become a willowy tree overnight. Nor should we expect ourselves to grow so quickly. It will be spending its time outside in the sunshine, while its roots now have a whole lot more room to spread and explore.
Now it’s your turn. Shake the old dirt off your roots, mix some new nutrients into your soil, consistently water, and patiently wait for the magic to happen. Time to grow, friends.